How often should men visit their doctor?
It is suggested that men should have an annual wellness examination with their primary healthcare provider. Most health insurance companies provide benefits for this service. However, if a man has an established health problem(s), then more frequent health visits may be necessary.
What are the most common men’s health issues?
Perhaps the most worrisome health problem in men is obesity. Obesity is a leading cause of other potentially serious health issues like diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia and a variety of other musculoskeletal problems. Other concerns are tobacco addiction, alcoholism, drug abuse and diets that are high in fat and processed foods.
What men’s health screenings can be done at home?
There are several health screening tools that can be done at home. Monitoring one’s blood pressure and weight are helpful. For overweight individuals monitoring one’s morning glucose (fasting) can be a helpful screening for pre-diabetes. Blood pressure and glucose monitors can be purchased at most drugstores or online.
Calculating one’s body mass index (BMI) is a good screening tool for obesity. The formula to calculate one’s BMI is (weight in pounds / (height in inches) x (height in inches)) x 703. There are also many calculators found online to determine BMI. Those with a BMI below 18.5 are considered underweight, 18.5-24.9 normal, 25.0-29.9 overweight and 30.0 and above obese.
How can a man improve his health?
Among the most important things men can do to improve their health is to maintain healthy body weight. Men should establish a regular schedule to exercise (about 60 minutes) at least three to four times weekly, commit to a healthy diet and get adequate amounts of sleep (recommend 7-8 hours) every night. Men should avoid harmful health habits like smoking and drug use, limit caffeine and alcohol intake and find hobbies that are relaxing and enjoyable. When possible, they should take vacation time to enjoy family and friends. It is also important that men live within their means and set aside food and income to use in case of an emergency. Being in debt can be very stressful and harmful to one’s mental health. Being involved in service or volunteering can improve mental health as well. Love God and serve your fellowman.
Which vitamins are essential for men’s health?
A healthy and well-balanced diet has most of the vitamins and minerals necessary to sustain normal health. If additional vitamins are desired, then a multivitamin with minerals is usually adequate.
Tony Jameson, PA-C, is accepting new patients at UT Health East Texas Physicians at Lake Palestine in Flint. To schedule an appointment, call 903-825-3292 or visit