Given the recent surge in COVID-19 cases throughout East Texas, we are limiting visitors at this time. Please be prepared for the following:
- Visitors at all facilities will be screened before being given access to the facility
- Visitors must be masked upon entering the facility and continue to wear their mask througout their time in the hospital, including time in the patient room.
- No COVID-positive visitors will be allowed entry. A visitor who has tested positive for COVID may be allowed into the facility after a minimum of seven (7) days since the onset of symptoms and if their symptoms are improved. They must wear a mask at all times.
- Visitation will be allowed in the ICU, including patients with COVID-19, during visiting hours only and limited to one visitor per visiting period. All visitors to COVID patients in the ICU will be required to wear full personal protective equipment (PPE).
- Visitors for end-of-life COVID-positive patients will be required to wear full PPE while in the patient's room.
Last updated: 1/20/22